The Beavers meet every Thursday evening from 6 – 7.30 p.m in the hall above St George’s Church Tredegar.

How it works:

If you are interested in bringing your child to Beaver scouts, Come along and introduce yourself. We will then speak to you and discuss Beaver scouts. Your child is welcome to stay and have a trial at beavers. You will be given an information pack of what beaver is all about and an registration form which will need to be returned to us if your child wishes to continue coming to beavers.

Parents are expected to accompany their children upstairs into the hall not just “drop and go/pick-up”. This is in case there are any messages/letters the Section Leaders need to give out and importantly, so we know they have arrived and can check arrangements for collection of the children at the end of the evening if it is any different from those bringing them.

Beaver Scouts are 6-8 years of age (if children want to join with their friends it can be up to 3 months before their 6th birthday)


Your child is able to be invested into Beaver Scouts when they have purchased their beaver uniform (shirt and jumper). Once invested they will be given a necker scarf and will say the Beaver scout promise. This will then allow them to receive any badges earned previously as well as allow them to continue receiving more.



  • The first week is always free, as a check that your child is happy and settles in well. After this, weekly fees for all sections are £2.50. You are welcome to come in and stay to see what happens if you want to know more.
  • If your child misses a session, we ask that £1 is payable the following week. The exception is of course if they are ill and we have been informed prior to the group meeting. We still need to pay for rent of the hall each week, regardless of how many turn up. Also, we have to cover any materials, craft resources, stationery, badges etc that may have been purchased for that session.
  • If your child misses three weeks in a row, the Section leader will contact you just to check things are ok. After 5 weeks – we may have to consider whether your child still wishes to be part of the Group, especially if we have high numbers and a possible waiting list to join.
  • Once your child is invested, you will receive a letter regarding our annual capitation fee. This will be explained in much more detail at that point but becomes due once they formally join Scouting and basically covers items such as insurances. It is due at the beginning of each calendar year and if your child joins part way through the year the payment is calculated pro-rata. For example the annual fee for 2014 was £34.50. It is payable by instalments if wished.
  • We also try and organise a number of events outside group, such as trips, visits and sleepovers. Costs will be outlined well in advance of the time via letters and forms. Depending on the event, again these may be payable by instalments if you wish and at all times, our aim is simply to cover any outlay.